"The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams." Henry David Thoreau

We are beekeepers, food crafters and environmental caretakers celebrating the magic that bee species bring to our planet.

Ecologically, 80% of flowering plants are dependent upon pollinators for reproduction and it is estimated one in every three bites of food comes from flowering plants, including fruits, veggies, chocolate, coffee, nuts and spices. The mission of CoNectar, a 501(c)(3) pending public benefit corporation, is to connect all communities to multi-sensory "flora-to-table" education, creating curricula and providing programs that demonstrate the key role pollinators play in food systems and our broader ecology.    

CoNectar’s Advocacy

Conscious Consumption

Honey is a laborious delicacy made by the hard work of honey bees and beekeepers. In a sad twist of irony, honey is also one of the most adulterated and undervalued foods in the world.

Despite the wholesome labels on the bottle, honey is often rife with antibiotics and other undisclosed additives. The low price of honey as a commodity is only made possible through pollination contracts with highly-subsidized big industrial agricultural companies whose carbon-intensive methods inflict their true cost on the health of our planet.

CoNectar's approach to honey is all about transparency. As honey-crafters, we celebrate the fellow artisans who bottle this "liquid sunlight" in a way that honors the creatures and the earth that created it. We bring to light honey artisans who are honest about the source of their product, the treatment of their bees, and the carbon footprint of their operation. CoNectar strives to provide deeper connection between concerned consumers and ethically-minded honey producers.

Native Bee Diversity

Globally, there is immense diversity in the bee family. Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) are but one of over 20,000 bee species! CoNectar’s logo is a common yet tiny native green metallic bee (Augochlorella aurata) who can be found foraging on the tiny blooms of native Blue Eyed Grass Flower (Sisyrinchium). With each bee species serving as a unique connector between single or multiple species of flowering plants, a diversity in bees species makes possible a diversity in plant species, serving as a foundation for biodiversity on both a regional and global level.

By celebrating wild and native bee species, CoNectar seeks to educate the public on the need for diversity within the broader bee family. Our artwork, product imagery, educational programs, and guided sensory experience features native bees and other important pollinating species, raising awareness of the vital connecting role these tiny creatures play in the health of our planet.

Connection to the Land

As beekeepers, we witness firsthand how dependent our honeybees are upon the workings of a healthy planet. With each passing year, we see erratic shifts in seasons that testify to the hardships climate change is posing to not just our bees but to all plant and animal species. The impact of overdevelopment and pesticide use is also evident in our bees' struggle to produce honey through ever-shrinking forage areas.

At CoNectar we believe that honeybees are an important connector species, linking human consciousness to the pulse of living things that struggle to survive in the spaces around us. Honey is more than just a tasty “easy squeeze” condiment to smear on toast. It is an opportunity to forge a multisensory connection to the cycles and systems that sustain our lives.

CoNectar is dedicated to raising awareness about native plants and pesticide-free lawn care practices that will promote the health of not only bee species but to the broader ecosystems that give us life.